Phil Libin hasn’t eaten in days, but he says he feels euphoric and full of energy. Libin is one ofmany Silicon Valley executives who swear that regular fasting is changing their lives. He evenclaims that forgoing food has made him a better CEO. New research supports what Libin says he’s experiencing first-hand – that fasting can havevery powerful benefits. Reports show that fasting for 3 days at a time can regenerate ourimmune systems.
Fasting also slows aging and reduces the risk of cancer. Dr. Rhonda Patrick says we don’t have to go
the whole nine yards and eliminate food for days to see the benefits of fasting.
Simplyeating for a shorter window every day (eating all meals within a 10 hour-period) can havesimilar, but less drastic benefits. Describing the first time he fasted Libin says, “The first day I felt so hungry I was going to die.The second day I was starving. But I woke up on the third day feeling better than I had in 20years.”
Libin has fasted anywhere from 2 to 8 days at a time. During fasts, he sticks to water, coffee,and black tea, forgoing any other food or drink. Even though he’s lost 90 pounds on this neweating regimen, he says for him, it’s not about losing weight. Libin says when he fasts he hasmore energy, his moods are more stable, and he often feels at least mildly euphoric.
Libin’s doctor said he looked 25 years younger. And after comparing his before and afterblood test results, Libin’s doctor said he was fit as a fiddle. Geoff Woo is another Silicon Valley exec that considers fasting a life-changing bio-hack. Woofasts for three to four days quarterly, and for 36 hours weekly.
He feels so good, he led his entire company in a fast, in part because he believes that fastingincreases productivity.
In Silicon Valley, fasters are a dime a dozen. So many people have gotten into the fasting fadthat there are now groups who meet up for special “breakfasts” where they break their faststogether and share their first meal in days.
While supporters of fasting seem to be growing daily, some doctors say there isn’t enoughevidence for these claims and that new findings should be taken with a grain of salt.Women should be especially cautious because caloric intake is closely linked to a woman’sfertility and reproductive health.
Despite concerns from some health professionals, people like Libin and Woo believe thatfasting is the key to health, longevity and productivity.
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